Tuesday 5 March 2024

The Potential of Shilajit for Supporting Male and Female Fertility: A Review of Early Research


For centuries, shilajit, a natural substance derived from plant and microbial matter in the Himalayas, has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for various health purposes. However, scientific research investigating its impact on fertility in both men and women is still emerging. This article explores the potential benefits of shilajit for fertility, examining its effects on both sexes.

Potential Benefits for Male Fertility:

Testosterone and Sperm Health:

Shilajit has gained interest due to its possible influence on male fertility, particularly testosterone levels. A 2016 study published in "Andrologia" showed an increase in testosterone levels in men taking shilajit supplements. As testosterone plays a crucial role in sperm production, it might contribute to enhancing male fertility.

While initial studies in animals suggest that shilajit may positively affect sperm quality and quantity, further research on humans is needed to confirm these findings and understand the underlying mechanisms.

Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Properties:

Shilajit is rich in fulvic acid, which possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These characteristics may protect sperm cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, potentially improving their viability and motility.

Enhanced Energy and Stamina:

Beyond sperm health, overall well-being is crucial for male fertility. Shilajit's purported adaptogenic properties may improve energy levels and stamina, potentially supporting male reproductive health by promoting vitality.

Potential Benefits for Female Fertility:

Hormonal Regulation and Ovulation:

Female fertility is highly dependent on hormonal balance, especially the regulation of estrogen and progesterone. While limited research is available, proponents suggest that shilajit's adaptogenic properties could play a role in maintaining hormonal balance, supporting regular menstrual cycles and optimal fertility.

Shilajit's adaptogenic nature may also contribute to overall reproductive health in women by potentially reducing stress and fostering a balanced hormonal environment, thus supporting regular ovulation, a critical factor for achieving and maintaining fertility.

Antioxidant Support and Nutrient Absorption:

Similar to its potential benefits for male fertility, shilajit's antioxidant properties may offer protection against oxidative stress in the female reproductive system, potentially safeguarding the health of eggs and the overall environment for fertilization.

Furthermore, with its array of minerals, shilajit may aid in nutrient absorption and utilization, which is essential for female fertility. The mineral content of shilajit might play a supportive role in this regard.

Important Considerations:

While preliminary research shows promise, it is crucial to exercise caution. More comprehensive studies are necessary to establish the safety and efficacy of shilajit for fertility enhancement in both men and women.

Before considering shilajit or any other supplement for fertility purposes, consulting with a healthcare professional is essential. Fertility is a complex matter, and personalized advice from a healthcare provider based on individual health circumstances is crucial.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and effective stress management, remains fundamental for both male and female fertility. Shilajit, if proven effective in future research, could potentially complement overall reproductive health but should not be considered a substitute for conventional fertility treatments or the advice of healthcare professionals.


Wednesday 17 November 2021

What is the Best Heart Rate to Lose Fat? The Truth Regarding Fat Burning Areas: What is the Best Heart Rate to Lose Fat?


Working out in the 'fat-burning zone,' also known as your fat burning heart rate, is when your heart rate is between 70 and 80 percent of your maximal heart rate.

The usual rule of thumb for losing weight and staying fit is to increase the intensity of your workouts. But what about the 'fat burning zone' notion, which suggests that you should instead exercise at a lesser intensity? Is this concept accurate, and what is the principle behind it?

Heart rate and fat loss: what's the connection?

Your muscles require glucose as a source of energy. Glycogen (a carbohydrate-storing molecule) and fat, which break down to generate glucose, carbon dioxide, and water, are the two major sources of energy. To feed the muscles, oxygen is necessary to oxidise (break down) glycogen or fat reserves into glucose.

Your body uses extra energy during an exercise. As a result, your heart beats quicker and harder to deliver oxygen to your muscle cells, allowing them to burn down more glycogen and fat for fuel.

A gramme of carbohydrate contains 4 calories of energy, but a gramme of fat has 9 calories of energy. In comparison to lipids, glycogen (carbohydrate) is a less dense kind of energy storage that is easily broken down into glucose. As a result, during activity, glycogen is your body's initial source of energy. Because high-intensity activities demand a lot of energy rapidly, you use glycogen instead of fat as a source of energy. When you run out of glycogen, your body switches to fat as a backup fuel.

The Fat-Burning Zone Myth: Is It True?

The fat-burning zone idea aims to assist followers in losing weight by utilizing fat storage rather than glucose. They claim that because the body does not require 'fast energy' from glycogen, lower-intensity activities burn a bigger proportion of fat than higher-intensity exercises. As a result, this idea encourages you to do longer, lower-intensity cardio exercises to keep your heart rate in the 'fat-burning zone.'

However, this is a common misunderstanding. While the body does burn fat during low-intensity exercises, the rate of fat burning remains modest, and you must exercise for longer to burn the same amount of calories as you would at higher intensities.'

Although your body uses glycogen stores first for 'fast energy,' a high-intensity workout depletes glycogen stores quickly enough to require your body to dig into fat storage. This means that high-intensity workouts burn more total calories – both glycogen and fat calories – than low-intensity activities. In the end, the overall quantity of calories you burn determines how much weight (and fat) you lose.

How to use your heart rate to estimate the intensity of your workout

Your heart rate throughout the exercise may be used to evaluate the intensity of your workout. The first step is to figure out what your maximum heart rate is, which is the upper limit of what your cardiovascular system can manage during exercise.


Subtract your age from 220 to get your maximum heart rate. A 50-year-old, for example, will have a maximum heart rate of 170. This suggests that this person's maximal heart rate is 170 beats per minute on average.

Next, figure out what heart rate zone you want to be in. This is the point at which your heart is being trained and conditioned, but not to the point of being overworked. The following heart rates are commonly suggested as goal heart rates:


50–70% of your maximal heart rate is considered moderate workout intensity.

The intensity of vigorous exercise: 70–85 % of maximal heart rate

Remember not to hurry towards attaining a high-intensity workout. Aim for the lower end of your desired heart rate zone if you're just starting an exercise regimen.

Finally, you may use an activity tracker or monitor your heart rate using the procedures below to see whether you're in your goal heart rate zone:


Stop your workout for a few moments.

Place two fingers on your wrist, closer to the thumb, and take your pulse for 15 seconds.

Calculate your heartbeats per minute by multiplying this amount by four.

The four zones of training

Functioning out using a heart rate monitor allows you to see what zones your body is working in and how different levels of activity benefit your body. Your heart rate can forecast each of the four primary training zones:


Warming up your cardio-respiratory system, muscles, and joints prepares you to workout harder. You're working at 60–70% of your maximal heart rate in this position. It's a relaxed pace that makes you feel like you could keep going for hours.

The so-called fat-burning zone is just beyond the warm-up zone, and it's where you're working out at 70–80% of your maximal heart rate. Although it is still a reasonable pace, you may sweat and breathe more heavily than normal. Although you may burn fatter than glycogen in this zone, the total amount of fat burned is significantly lower than in the following phases.

The aerobic zone is still in the comfortable zone. Your heart rate is between 81 and 93% of its maximum. You'll be able to communicate, but only in brief bursts. The calories you expend here are equally distributed between fat and glycogen reserves. You will burn more calories overall, even if you do not burn more fat calories than glycogen. (Plus, the aerobic zone gets your heart pumping hard, which is good for your heart!)

Eventually, you will be in an anaerobic area at 94–100% of your maximal heart rate. You can't speak because you're panting. It's difficult to stay here for more than a minute since your glycogen stores are being depleted quicker than they can be restored. Anaerobic intervals broaden your fat and aerobic zones while consuming a large number of calories. The afterburn (temporary increase in metabolism) kicks in at this point. Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) occurs when your body burns more calories after a high-intensity workout than after a low-intensity session.

The amount your heart rate rises is determined by the intensity of your activities. A running heart rate, for example, should be between 50% and 85% of your maximal heart rate. Then, depending on your goals for your run, you can change your pace. If your heart rate falls below this level, you can pick up the pace to improve your workout outcomes. Alternatively, if your heart rate hits its maximum, you should slow down so that you can finish your run.

A high-intensity workout has several advantages, including efficiently burning total calories both during and after exercise and keeping your heart healthy. However, if you choose a low-intensity workout, you will need to dedicate more time to burn the same number of calories!



The Truth about Exercise and Heart Rate (n.d.). http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/the-truth-about-heart-rate-and-exercise#1 (accessed August 06, 2017).

P. Waehner, P. Waehner, P. Waehner (2017, March 30). The Truth About Your Fat Burning Zone - How to Get Out of It and Lose Weight https://www.verywell.com/the-truth-about-the-fat-burning-zone-1231545 (accessed August 06, 2017).

E. Quinn (2016, July 5). "The Fat Burning Zone" Isn't What It Seems. https://www.verywell.com/the-fat-burning-zone-3119977 (accessed August 06, 2017).

P. Waehner, P. Waehner, P. Waehner (2017, May 18). 3 Ways to Increase Fat Burning Through Exercise https://www.verywell.com/body-into-fat-burning-machine-1231548 (accessed August 06, 2017).

| Paul Rogers A board-certified physician reviewed it. (February 2, 2017) How to Increase Fat Burning While Exercising https://www.verywell.com/how-to-burn-more-fat-secrets-of-exercise-physiology-3498340 (accessed August 06, 2017).


Saturday 23 October 2021

The 21 Most Effective Fat-Burning Activities


Burning off excess fat might be difficult, whether you're trying to enhance your general health or simply slim down for the summer.

Numerous additional factors, in addition to food and exercise, might impact weight and fat reduction.

Fortunately, there are a number of easy actions you can do to rapidly and effectively improve fat burning.

You'll need a little scientific know-how, patience, and a side of body positivity whether you're attempting to slim down for health reasons or want to fit back into that pair of pants that definitely just shrank in the wash.

However, before you can start burning those jiggly parts, you must first comprehend them.

1.     Six modest meals a day are recommended.

Your metabolism may be boosted by feeding your body every three to four hours. It is not necessary for every event to be a sit-down affair.

2.     Attempt ten 100-yard sprints.

Sprinting may burn up to 500 calories in only a few minutes.

3.     Before obtaining seconds, wait 20 minutes.

Slow down to prevent consuming too much food.

4.     Use a dinner dish that is smaller.

The smaller plate will limit the amount of food you can put on it. Check out these additional eating-related mental tricks.

5.     Remove the peanuts from their shells and eat them.

You'll consume half as many nuts in a sitting if you try to peel them before eating.

6.     After a meal, chew sugar-free mint gum.

Mint tastes alert your brain that it's time to put down the fork.

7.     Start doing power yoga.

A single lesson can burn up to 344 calories.

8.     Once a week, train while fasting.

Fasted exercises can help maintain adrenaline levels high while keeping blood sugar levels low.

9.     Intervals are a good way to burn it off.

Alternate sprints and jogs to turn your body into a fat-burning inferno. Here are eight exercises that you may do on the treadmill.

10.      Replace your bagel in the morning.

Instead of bread, go for a bowl of oats and some protein-rich eggs.

11.    At the kitchen table, eat

When you're eating, don't park on the sofa.

12.    Increase your water intake.

Dehydration can trick your body into thinking it's hungry.

13.     Take a "before" picture that is accurate.

Knowing what you look like and where you want to go can help you stay motivated.

14.  Ride your bike to work

Get your bike out and start peddling to burn 500 calories in an hour.

15.   Select elliptical that have handles.

Arm muscles will be recruited, and you'll burn more calories overall.

16.    Consume more avocados.

They're high in the sort of good fats your body needs to keep burning fat.

17.  On menus, look for these crucial terms.

Grilled, baked, sautéed, steamed, oven-fried, roasted, marinara and primavera are all delicious ways to prepare vegetables.

18.  Keeps your body guessing with these tricks?

Every four to six weeks, replace your old software with a fresh one.

19. Sugar consumption should be reduced.

Limit yourself to 72 grammes of sugar each day.

20.  Consume beans

This high-fiber, protein-rich staple will aid fat oxidation in your body. Purée them for stews or mix them with some oil and vinegar for a side dish.

21.   Combine aerobic and strength training.

Between sets, try jumping rope or incorporating some workouts into the circuits.

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Sunday 17 October 2021

10 Low-carb dishes that are delicious and will keep you full and fulfilled


These nutritious items will enhance your meal whether you're on the keto diet, intermittent fasting, low carb, or no diet at all. Although the low-carb fad may appear to be as outdated as fax machines, consuming naturally low-carb meals (think vegetables and lean protein) will always be beneficial to your health. In the fridge, everyone needs some healthy utility players who can improve snacks and dinners.

Here is a list of some of my favorite low-carb, nutrient-dense, and delicious low-carb foods.

1.    Grapefruit:

Grapefruit has less sugar than other citrus fruits, with only 13 grams of carbohydrates per half. One research found a link between consuming half a grapefruit before a meal and weight reduction. For a wonderful jam-packed nutrition dessert, cut half a grapefruit in half, sprinkle with cinnamon, and drizzle with honey before placing it under the broiler for three to four minutes.

2.     Olives:

Two tablespoons of olives include just less than one gram of carbohydrates and the antioxidant oleuropein, which is unique to olives and has been found to reduce cholesterol and prevent oxidative stress.

Combine olives with Ezekiel bread and goat cheese for a savory breakfast, nibble on them with vegetables or put them into your favorite romaine salad for supper.

3.     Peanuts:

One ounce contains fewer than 5 grams of carbohydrates and a lot of biotins, a B vitamin that helps with metabolism, neurological function, and digestion. Crumble them before throwing them in a salad, nibble on a few with a piece of fruit, or toss them in your next veggie or tofu stir fry.

4.     Raspberries:

The carb content of a handful of 10 of these lovely berries is less than 2.5 grams. These fiber-rich jewels, which are high in manganese, also have some major bone-health advantages. Purchase them frozen to have on hand for smoothies, topping yogurt, or drizzling dark chocolate over a cup for an extra sweet treat.

5.     Shellfish:

There is less than 1 gram of carbohydrates in a 12 cup of shrimp. It's also low in calories and high in protein, making it ideal for those monitoring their weight. Shellfish also includes zinc, a mineral that aids in the immune system's battle against infections. For a quick, easy, and healthy evening supper, stir-fried shrimp with broccoli, snap peas, onion, and shredded carrots.

6.     Sunflower Seeds:

This seed has six grams of carbohydrates per quarter cup and is strong in selenium, a cancer-fighting element. To get these seeds in, who needs trail mix? Sprinkle them on roasted Brussels sprouts or sautéed butternut squash as part of your main meal.

7.     Zucchini:

One medium zucchini has more than half of your daily vitamin C requirements. These vegetables are high in water, which helps you stay hydrated and satisfied for longer. For a low-carb lasagna fix, slice thinly and top with red sauce and shredded mozzarella cheese.

8.     Eggs:

A single egg provides 0.6 grams of carbohydrates and 6 grams of protein, making it one of the handiest protein sources. Also, don't throw out the yolk; it's high in choline, a crucial vitamin for brain function. Keep hard-boiled eggs on hand to mash over Ezekiel bread for a quick breakfast or a simple snack.

9.    Broccoli:

A single cup includes only 30 calories and 6 grams of carbohydrates, but it contains an astonishing 3 grams of fiber and, like other cruciferous vegetables, is high in cancer-fighting chemicals known as glucosinolates.  Place broccoli on a baking pan and spray with avocado oil before roasting at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes for a simple dinner side dish.

10.                        Salmon:

Salmon is hearty seafood that contains no carbohydrates. It's high in omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in fat loss, skin radiance, and inflammation reduction. Serve salmon with eggs, a high fiber cracker, and a squeeze of lemon, or a pomegranate glaze on the grill.

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The Potential of Shilajit for Supporting Male and Female Fertility: A Review of Early Research

  Introduction: For centuries, shilajit , a natural substance derived from plant and microbial matter in the Himalayas, has been used in ...